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Created by an outstanding team of 95 evangelical Christian scholars and teachers, the ESV Study Bible (ESVSB) presents completely new study notes, maps, illustrations, charts, timelines, articles, and introductions. Altogether, the ESV Study Bible Notes combined with the ESV Bible text, comprises 2 million words of Bible text, insightful explanation, teaching, and reference material—equivalent to...

19:19–20 purge the evil. See 13:5 and note. Proper justice and punishment acts as a deterrent for the people. See 13:11 and note. 19:21 eye shall not pity. See 13:8. life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. This expression expands the idea that the punishment for the false witness is to be the same as would have been imposed on the accused (19:19) and makes punishment proportionate to the crime. See Ex. 21:23–25 and Matt. 5:38. It cannot involve multiple acts of
Pages 360–361